Composite Veneers are thin layers of composite resin bonded to the front surfaces of teeth.
It is a Cosmetic dental procedure that can be used to repair chipped, cracked, or discoloured teeth. Composite can also be used to fill in gaps between teeth, to lengthen, shorten, or protect the root of a tooth. Composite veneers takes approximately 30 minutes to one hour per tooth in a single visit to the cosmetic dentist.
A time lapse video of Rob doing some Composite veneers:
Before and After Examples of Rob’s work: 77 Cases!
Example 1: Repairing a broken lower incisor with a Composite Veneer

Example 2: Straightening teeth with Composite Veneers

Example 3: Whitening worn teeth with Composite Veneers with a real fitted diamond
Veneers with a real fitted diamond
Example 4: Whitening and reconditioning teeth with Composite Veneers

Example 4b: Whitening and straightening Upper Teeth with Composite Veneers

Example 5: Timelapse Video of one of Rob’s cases using Composite veneers to close gaps
Example 6: Straightening and whitening Upper Teeth with Composite Veneers

Example 7: Reshaping and Whitening 6 Upper Teeth with Composite Veneers

Example 8: Reshaping and Whitening 6 Upper Teeth with Composite Veneers

Example 9: Reshaping and Whitening 6 Upper Teeth with Composite Veneers

Composite Veneers have many advantages over traditional cosmetic techniques:
- Natural looking
- Relatively inexpensive
- Requires little or no removal of existing tooth structure
- Easily maintained
- Easily repaired
- Does not wear opposing teeth
- Ability to improve the shape/length of teeth
- Ability to improve the colour of teeth
Example 10,11: Reshaping and Whitening 6 Upper Teeth with Composite Veneers

The dentist begins by selecting a shade of composite resin (bonding material) that is closest to the shade (colour) of your teeth. Then, the dentist roughens the surface of the teeth and applies a liquid that helps the bonding material adhere to the teeth. Various layers and colours of composite resin are then applied to the teeth, smoothed into the desired shape, and hardened with a high intensity light. After the resin has hardened, the dentist will make the final touches and polish the tooth until it resembles the other teeth. If more than one tooth is being repaired it may take several visits to the dentist in order to achieve the desired results. Although very little tooth preparation is necessary to apply Composite Veneers, they are not strictly reversible. If they were removed, at the very least the underlying tooth structure would be affected in the same way that wood is affected after paint has been stripped off.
If you have any teeth that are ‘sticking out’ more than others, sometimes your dentist can remove some of the offending tooth tissue to enhance the cosmetic end result. This will be an option that will be discussed with the patient before proceeding with any tooth removal.
Example 12: Combination Solution! Clear Aligners followed by Composite Veneers (both white and pink composite – this took 5 months)

Example 13: Straightening and Whitening upper front six teeth

9 years later
Maintenance of Your New Composite Veneers:
The maintenance of your Composite Veneer is relatively simple. A few suggestions, however, are in order:
- Please brush and floss as you normally would to prevent oral hygiene problems. Once placed, Composite Veneers are typically the kindest restoration to the gum tissues that we currently have in our prosthetic armamentarium. You will not damage your Veneers by either flossing or brushing. Any non-abrasive tooth paste is acceptable. A good home care regimen will ensure the success of your laminate restorations for years to come. The ideal toothbrush for Composite Veneers is an Oral B electric toothbrush with a soft head.
- Some sensitivity to hot and cold may be experienced after the placement of your veneers. Some sensitivity is absolutely normal and usually dissipates after one-two weeks. If this sensitivity should remain or concern you at all, please call your dentist.
- Once placed your laminates are very strong and will resist most of the forces placed upon them by a normal diet. However, opening pistachio nuts with your teeth, chewing on bones or toffee apples is probably not a good idea. As with most things, common sense should prevail.
- If you are known to be a grinder or clencher, please let your dentist know. He/she will fabricate a soft night guard for you to wear to minimize the stresses placed upon your teeth while you sleep.
- Like anything in the mouth, it can be prone to wear and tear. Sometimes Composite veneers can chip slightly, but in most cases they are exceedingly easy to repair. One would be unlucky to have them chip within the first five years unless there was a significant grinding problem
- If there have been substantial changes to the shape of your teeth, occasionally a patient may develop a lisp that lasts for about a week. On the rare occasions it does not resolve spontaneously, your dentist can make some adjustments to remove it.
- The average lifespan of Composite Veneers are 12 years, this can be extended with good homecare and regular maintenance, which you should allow $100 every couple of years. In ideal circumstances 15 years is certainly possible.
Example 14: Reshaping and straightening upper front six teeth

Example 15: 1 Composite bridge and 5 Composite veneers

Example 16: 1 Composite bridge and 5 Composite veneers
Example 17: Straightening and Whitening upper 8 four teeth

Example 18: Whitening and closing gaps with Composite veneers

Example 17: 1 Composite bridge and 5 Composite veneers
Example 18: Closing gaps and Whitening upper front seven teeth with Composite Veneers using pink and white composite resin

Example 19: Strengthening upper front seven teeth with Composite crowns

Example 19: Strengthening upper front seven teeth with Composite crowns
Example 20: Closing gaps and rebuilding worn teeth with Composite Veneers

Example 21: Composite Veneers to Whiten and Straighten eight front teeth

Testimonial from Example 21:
I have always had crooked teeth and always wanted to do something about it. They were also yellowish in places despite my best efforts at keeping them clean. I almost never smiled at people, and when I did I always felt embarrassed.
I decided to have a look at composite veneers to see if they could make my teeth look a bit better. I made the appointment to see Rob to discuss my options. At the initial consultation Rob explained my options and we decided that composite veneers would be the way to go. He then did a quick demonstration to give me an indication of what the composite veneers could do. This involved sticking some of the material to the front of my teeth and shaping it to give an indication of what the finished result might look like. It took about 15 minutes and the change was dramatic. I made the decision right then to go with it. The mock-up was then removed and I was back to having crooked teeth again. No change was made to my teeth and if I had decided not to go ahead and get the veneers my teeth would have been none the worse for the trial.
To prepare my teeth for the veneers, I went to see the hygienist, Mel, to get them professionally cleaned. She did a wonderful job and I got comments from people that my teeth looked much better.
The putting on of the veneers was to take two sessions of 2 1/2 hours each. The first session Rob concentrated on the four front teeth. There was quite a bit to be done as one tooth stuck way out towards the front and had to be shortened by removing some of the tooth. While this was not reversible, it was necessary to give a good result, and I’m happy that it no longer cuts into the inside of my mouth. While Rob and Lisa did their magic I lay back and watched a DVD. Going to the dentist was never like this when I was a kid!!
It was also not painful and I only required aesthetic when Rob was removing sections of tooth. After the first session I was very pleasantly surprised at the results so far. I have no idea how Rob achieved the result he did, but my front teeth were straight and looked totally natural. The result was significantly better than the mock-up. My mouth ached a little from being worked in for a couple of hours, and my teeth felt a bit funny for a while. But by the next day I was fine and ready for the second session. The second session was doing the two teeth on each side behind the front four teeth. Once again it was a relatively painless experience, and having been through the first session I found it easier to relax. Once that was done Rob did some adjustments to ensure my mouth could close properly and that there were no sharp edges left and that it felt comfortable.
Then I got to see the results. I was nearly reduced to tears. The results were so much more than I had ever hoped for. I now have a smile that I am not embarrassed for people to see. I find myself smiling more at people, and they smile back. The whole process was relatively painless (much less than getting a filling) and inexpensive. I only wish I had done this a long time ago. Thank you to everyone at Thorndon Dental Surgery. I love my new smile, and as a bonus, I am not longer hesitant about going to the dentist. T George – Wellington
Example 22: Closing spaces and Whitening upper front six teeth, with partial braces, and 6 Composite Veneers

Example 23: Repairing and Whitening upper front six teeth with Composite veneers

Example 24: Replacing two Porcelain Crowns with Composite Crowns including one Gumlift and one ‘Gumdrop’ with pink Composite

Example 25: Rebuilding and Whitening teeth with Composite Veneers and a silver veneer to add a hard edge…

Example 25a: rebuilding teeth with Composite Crowns
Example 26: Straightening teeth with Clear Aligners and Composite Veneers

After Aligners

Example 27: Two gumlifts, a Composite bridge (with gold insertion) and three Composite veneers to reshape and whiten the front teeth

Patient Testimonial for example 27:
After returning from overseas after a two year period, I walked in off the street for an appointment with Rob, his having been recommended by a business friend.
My first impressions of his practice were very favourable – friendly and helpful staff out front, light, airy premises with cool cafe music, flat screens on the ceiling and cool images/movies to watch – a whole new experience for me at a dentist’s surgery. However, I was apprehensive at that first consultation – years of neglect, botched National Health dentistry from the UK, the attrition associated with middle age and the specific challenge of a weakened bridge at the front, the legacy of an old rugby injury, made me a walking dental nightmare! Then there was the worry about cost?!
I needn’t have worried: Rob immediately got to work, strategising a treatment plan and crafting solutions to my specific dental problems, something he is very clever at. He was upbeat and positive about the outcomes and e-mailed me a plan and quote that was very reasonable indeed. Once agreed upon, along with his assistant Lisa, the pair earnestly got to work.
Rob is an amazingly quick and efficient practitioner – he is very professional, totally focussed on the best outcomes and I consider him to be a true craftsman; the results he achieved with me after three days of intensive treatment were nothing short of remarkable. After being used to slow, invasive, brutal/ protracted regimes of drilling and filling, my experience in the chair with Rob by comparison was pain free, and certainly less arduous and relatively stress-free.
In short I would wholeheartedly recommend him: so if you have a dental problem you want to get fixed up, you now know where to go!
M Williams
Example 28: Straightening and whitening teeth with Composite Veneers and a Composite Crown with an instant gumlift.

Example 29: Closing gaps and rebuilding worn teeth with Composite Veneers and 2 Composite bridges

Example 30: Closing spaces and whitening with Composite veneers

Example 31: Reshaping and whitening teeth with Six Composite Veneers

Example 32: Reshaping and whitening teeth with Six Composite Veneers utilising Pink and White Composite

Example 33: Removing Ectopic tooth and reshaping 3 teeth with Composite veneers

Example 34: Combination Solution; Composite Veneers and 4 composite Bridges

Example 35: Composite Veneers to whiten and straighten teeth

Example 36: Composite Veneers to whiten and straighten teeth

Example 37: Composite Veneers to reshape teeth

Example 38: Closing spaces and whitening teeth with Six Composite Veneers and one Composite Bridge

Example 39: Reshaping and whitening teeth with Six Composite Veneers

Example 40: Replacing 6 Porcelain Veneers with Six Composite Veneers

Example 41: Straightening and Whitening upper front six teeth

Example 42: Straightening Cross bite with Composite veneers

Example 43: Straightening and Whitening upper front seven teeth

Example44: Whitening teeth and closing a gap with Six Composite Veneers

Example 45: 6 Composite Veneers to close spaces

Example 46: 2 Composite Veneers and two gumlifts to reshape teeth

Example 47: Straightening and Whitening with 6 Composite Veneers
Example 48: straightening teeth with Composite Veneers

Example 49: 6 Composite Veneers to close spaces

Example50: 6 Composite Veneers to close spaces

Example 51: Straightening front teeth with 1 partial Composite Veneer, 1 Full Composite Veneer and 1 Gumlift

Example 52: Straightening front teeth with 4 Composite Veneers and a minor Gumlift

Example 53: Porcelain Crowns replaced with Composite Crowns and 4 Composite Veneers

Example 54 : 6 Composite Veneers and a gumlift to reshape teeth

Example 55: Rebuilding worn teeth with full coverage Composite Veneers

Example 56: 6 Composite Veneers to close spaces and fix worn teeth

Example 57: Closing spaces and whitening teeth with Six Composite Veneers and one Composite Bridge

Example 58: Repairing and whitening front teeth with Composite Veneers

Example 59: 6 Composite Veneers to straighten and whiten teeth

Example 60: Combination Solution; 5 Composite Veneers, 2 composite Bridges, 2 white fillings and 2 Mini Implant supported Composite Crowns

Example 61: Replacing 2 Porcelain Crowns with Composite Crowns and 4 Composite Veneers

Example 62: Straightening and whitening front teeth with Composite Veneers

Example 63: Closing spaces with one Composite Veneer

Example 64: Straightening and whitening front teeth with Composite Veneers

Example 65: 6 Composite Veneers and 1 Composite bridge to whiten and close gaps

Example 66: Straightening and whitening front teeth with Composite Veneers

Example 67: Straightening and whitening worn front teeth with Composite Veneers

Example 68: Reconditioning and whitening worn front teeth with Composite Veneers and Composite crowns

Example 69: Whitening worn front teeth with Composite Veneers

Example 70: Reconditioning and whitening worn front teeth with Composite Veneers

Example 71: Straightening and whitening teeth with Composite Veneers and Mini Implants

Testimonial for this Patient
I thank the day I saw the Wellington Dentist’s website. Having had major dental issues all my life as a result of an accident when I was young and other compounding problems, my teeth were a mess. We are talking about crooked, missing and infected teeth. This even after being a diligent patient of a local dentist for twenty five years. To sort out my problems, I had been to dentists who gave me massive quotes, and briefly considered Asia, but no one I spoke to seemed to grasp the idea of what I wanted to achieve. They spoke when I wanted them to listen.
So I made an appointment with Rob Smith, based on the narrative and pictures published on the website. He listened to me, gave me an outline of my options, and sent me a treatment plan and price quote for my consideration, which I gratefully accepted. I could not believe the outcome that Rob and his team have achieved. My family and friends are also stunned at the difference in my appearance. I now have lovely straight teeth and can laugh and smile in public. I can look in the mirror without cringing. It is life-changing. I also could not believe how simple it was for me during the whole process. I had absolutely no pain or discomfort, the work was done so professionally and in modern, comfortable surroundings.
The team at Wellington Dentists made me feel welcome and were friendly and helpful, fitting in with my appointment requests as I do not live in Wellington. The cost of the treatment was much less than half of the other quotes I had received, yet the outcome was so much better. My other quotes did not include straightening my teeth, merely “filling the gaps”.
I cannot adequately describe how much difference my experience with Rob and the team has changed my well being and have no hesitation in recommending them for your dental problems, whatever they may be.
Des Newton – Christchurch
Example 72: Whitening worn front teeth with Composite Veneers and a Composite Crown

Example73: Lengthening and worn front teeth with Composite Veneers

Example 74: Reshaping front teeth with Composite Veneers

Example75: Repairing and whitening worn front teeth with Composite Veneers

Example 76: Lengthening and whitening worn front teeth with Composite Veneers

Example 77: Lengthening and whitening worn front teeth with Composite Veneers

Example 78: An instant gumlift with Composite Veneers

Watch the video!
Example 79: Closing spaces with pink and white Composite Veneers